Thursday, 4 July 2013

Wednesday 3rd July

Waking up to a ripple of applause and various music was a very different wake up to what we've had previously. We were now part of the build up to the big opening of this tournament, we are welcomed into the village.

All of the surroundings is exactly how you vision it would be in an Olympic like village, flag poles, water fountains, big apartment blocks, it had it all. Grasping all this is alot to take in but it's an experience none of us will forget, we've only been here one day so far but you begin to feel the part of a big family who are here together for the same reason. Regardless of sport, country, gender everyone is happy to socialize with one another which is what makes it so easy to appreciate the brilliance of being in this kind of a competition.

Just visualise this for a second, endless supplies of drink and food, what would it look like? Well this is how it looks in our canteen area. It hold 4,000 people at a time and it stacked with various foods from around the globe. It is unreal! Something so simple as that had our jaws drop to the floor the minute we stepped into the canteen.

As you can tell we are pretty buzzed about this whole venue and everything in it. But back to the reason why we're here and now we have just 2 days to prepare for our first game v Brazil. Seeing one of the venues and training there was brilliant, were playing all our games on 4g pitches and have kick off times in the Evening. Which to be honest in this weather will be a God send, as long as we are fully prepared and on it by Friday I have faith all these little parts of living in this village with spur us on to winning games and getting out of our group.

Naomi Cole, Team GBR #3.

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